The Body; Comparison & Pride – Pr Isaac Waiswa | 7th March 2024

Preacher: Pr. Isaac Waiswa | 7th March Night Live
Topic – The Body (of Christ); Being One
1 Corinthians 12:15-18

Pr. Isaac continued on the aspect of the “Body” of Christ. In the sermon, he explains how imperative it is that we be one. He expounded with reasons why there’s a failure in the church to move as one body:

      1. Comparison and competition: Men compete and compare because they don’t understand predestination. Pr. Isaac says that each one of us is exactly where God placed us, yet people strive because they lack understanding. He adds that when one starts to despise oneself, one despises the work and counsel of God. The pastor explains that as much as the Church has rankings, functionaries, and offices, no office is greater than another, and every believer is called to look like Christ, not like another.

    1. The Attack of Pride: Pr. Isaac emphasizes that pride is not intrinsic but rather an attack on any person who is or will one day be elevated or hold an office that seems a little higher than those around them. On the mode of dishonour, he refers to the book of Philippians 2:1-12 for any minister that would one day be attacked by pride.
    For greater understanding, watch the sermon.